Saturday, November 5, 2011

The Honeymoon Period

I forget which doctor at the Laser Spine Institute referred to the first few days following the surgery as 'The Honeymoon Period' but whoever it was, they were most certainly correct. These have been an amazing few days. It's been my first time without terrible pain in months, and my first time feeling really free and comfortable in over a year. This has brought me a wonderful weekend! I went to dinner with some friends, got my nails done, saw Sweeney Todd at playhouse 22 ( and even drove my car around a bit, which is something I've really missed!

This is how I've been feeling this weekend!!

However, I can tell that the Honeymoon period has now passed, and we are into the full on recovery period. I was warned this would come as it happens to everyone and that it's going to last a few days to a week. It's the body's defense mechanism against the change of having such a big chunk of disc removed. The body is basically trying to 'repair itself' and fill up the spot where the disc was with fluid, which compresses the nerve the same way it was compressed before. Once the fluid dissipates, the pain will be gone. In the mean time, I am reminded why I needed this surgery done in the first place! It's funny how quickly I forgot how much pain I was in as soon as I stood up after surgery and was able to walk and stand without a problem ...I remember now!!

My bank account, which has drained very quickly over my last few days of freedom, appreciates the fact that I'm now doing as little as possible! Movies, computer, TV and music is where it's at for me until this stage is done!!!

this is my dad being my slave and waiting on me!!

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