Sunday, November 6, 2011

Day 1 of the Hostage Situation

Today was the first day that I made myself stay in bed as much as possible and not do anything. B-O-R-I-N-G.

I feel totally useless. Especially because my dad has this nasty cold and is hacking up a storm and my mom is having some major issues with her foot and is bed-bound for a few months. I'm really feeling like there are things I should be doing. However, I'm gonna have to just suck it up and let myself lay around ...Right.

The one exception to this is every hour I have to get up and walk for 5-10 minutes. Usually I just do laps through all the rooms upstairs. My cat sits on the couch and mocks me while I do it. When she's not doing that she sits next to my bed and gives me death glares for not doing everything she wants me to do. I wish I was joking. Here is what I had staring at me for at least 15 minutes straight today:

You can't really see her squinty, unsympathetic eyes but I assure you they are there.
I probably won't be blogging very much in the next little while because things are even more boring than they were before! I am definitely feeling some pain today. I hate taking medicine so I'm trying to avoid the percocet unless the pain is really unbearable. Today I've been okay without it. 

As a final note for today, I got such BEAUTIFUL flowers from my best friend Jess and also from her parents. Thank you so much guys...I love you. <3

Yes, those flowers are shaped like a dog. does my best friend know me or what!?

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